Audrey was ad
We finished, though. Finally managing to get everything into three containers. We had more blankets than would fit, though, so we had to squeeze those in with our own clothing.
It seems surreal that I'm going back tomorrow. I've spent so much time over the last year thinking about Merline & Vlad, and the patients I saw. The night before I left last year I felt nauseated and scared. Tonight, I simply feel excited, like I felt last weekend when I flew to New Mexico to be with my girlfriends from college. I don't know what to expect, since we're not even going to be in Port au Prince proper this time. We'll be working in clinics in the surrounding towns. I'm grateful for God's blessing that I can go back. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in the last year, but most importantly for providing a little encouragement. Last visit was about frantically trying to provide urgently needed medical care. This time I'm going to share hope. I want the folks to know they're not forgotten. God loves them and knows their suffering. I'm going down to help alleviate, for a little while, that hopelessness. If one patient, one Haitian staff member feels a little less burdened because of some dumb thing I've said, or because of me helping lug boxes back and forth each day, then that will make it all worthwhile.
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